I was strolling through Target a little while ago, like you do, and came across what I thought was a cute copper frame of a trash bin, the perfect size for a bathroom. I can’t call it a trash bin because it’s not solid, and the impracticability of that would drive me nuts. But it was only $3! And it was shiny! So, I started wondering what I could do to make this work—find a solid trash bin to put inside of it!
I didn’t want this to turn into yet another expensive Target run, so I wanted to find something else on the cheap. I went to the bathroom section to see what they had and, surprisingly, I found nothing! Probably for the better because it would have been more than I wanted to spend. So, I checked the end caps (where clearance items are notoriously displayed) and happened to come across this little white trash can that fit perfectly! Only problem, it was covered in some strange hearts and a cupcake design… But for $4.97, I decided to take it and figure it out later.
Once I got home, I remembered that I had some white and clear spray paint. I got everything out, protected the front deck, flipped the oddly decorated white trash can upside down and got to spraying. I decided to just spray the outside to preserve the plastic smoothness of the inside. A couple of coats of white (basically until the almost empty can was actually empty), sprayed lightly, a few minutes apart. Once that was drying well outside in the warm weather, I added a couple of light coats of the gloss a few minutes apart as well, just to give it a little shine back.
I could still see some of the pattern peeking through when the can was backlit, but I figured that wouldn’t be a problem once it was stored inside—spoiler: I was right! I brought the bins inside, placed the newly painted white one inside the copper framed one, and set it in the master bathroom. It was perfect! It even matched a couple other copper pieces in the room. And it was even more functional with a bag lining it. And for a whopping total of $7.97 + tax, I couldn’t be happier. Love, Shauna
You are so clever!