The basement is a great storage area! Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t shown at all in the sale listing, so when we went to view the house, we had no idea it was down there. It is one of the things that once we saw it, we realized how good this place could be for us. It’s not that we have a ton of extra junk that we need to keep somewhere, but we do have our fair share of camping and outdoor sports gear (coughSEVENbikes) as well as Christmas decorations and a tree. Luckily, we think we can keep most of the bikes in the garage.
The basement also has hook-ups for a washer and dryer, a new water heater, an old HVAC, and some leftover supplies from the house flip. In my dream state, I’m imagining putting up a wall to separate the storage part of the basement from the just-entering-the-home or doing laundry part of the basement. Also, creating some kind of entryway solution like cubbies for shoes and a place to put bags near that door to the garage would be ideal. Speaking of the garage…!
The garage has room for two cars! Very exciting because we have two cars! Plus just enough room to park a few bikes and maybe build a workbench. We’ve already got plans for a new garage door opener because, though the flippers replaced the garage door, the door opener is original and doesn’t work… apparently it worked before we put an offer in. So is said. That photo shows as much as we can open it. We’d like to get a lot of “smart” features added into this home, and the garage door opener will probably be the first. You know, so we can convince our new neighbors that we’re actually invisible superheroes when we randomly open and close the garage door from our phones at work.
And thus concludes the house tours. Now for the fun part… decorating and doing projects!
Love, Shauna