Welcome to my blog! I’m looking forward to sharing my adventures, experiences, and projects with you right here. I am so excited!
I am passionate about publishing posts, but I have a lot to learn on the back end. I appreciate your understanding as I work to improve my web abilities and beautify this space.
Thanks for taking a peek. Love, Shauna
Ruthie says
Sooooo….. where’s the picture of your new house?
Wedding present just hanging out at my house…. when you are in Lafayette call me. I’m just doing my normal crazy end of school year crazy busy life stuff……I have a graduate. At least I think I do.?
Shauna says
Photos of the new house are on their way! I’m waiting for a piece of art to enter the home before photographing it 😉 I’ll text you about coordinating getting that. I can’t wait to hang it! -Shauna